Legal Terms

1. Online content

Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin makes no guarantee as to the current validity, correctness, entirety or quality of the information provided. Claims made against Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin for damages, material or ideal, that are based on the use or non-use of the information provided or on the use of incorrect or incomplete information are generally precluded in so far as the school cannot be proven to be at fault due to deliberate or negligent action.

2. References and links

In the case of direct or indirect references to external websites (¡°hyperlinks¡±) which are outside of the realm of responsibility of Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin, liability would only exist where the school has knowledge of the contents and it is technically possible and reasonable to hinder use in the case of illegal contents. Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin hereby states that at the time of the insertion of links, no illegal content was recognizable on the linked pages.

Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin has no influence over the current or future design, content or property rights of linked pages. The school thus expressly distances itself from all contents on all linked pages that are updated after the initial placement of links. This statement applies to all links and references placed within the online content as well as third party contributions in the school¡¯s forums or databases, which can be externally accessed for use by contributors. Alone the authors of referenced or linked websites are legally responsible for illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and in particular for damages arising out of the use or non-use of such information provided. The party providing the reference or link is not liable.

3. Property and trademark rights

In all publications, Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin endeavors to observe the rights of all used photos, graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts used, to use self-produced photos, graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts, or to use free license graphics, sound documents video sequences and texts.

All third party trademarks and logos used in online content are subject to the terms of the applicable property rights and copyrights of the registered owner. The naming of a trademark of other property alone does not imply that such are not protected by the rights of a third party.

The rights for objects published by Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin remains with Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin alone. The reproduction of any used graphics, sound documents, video sequences or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without express permission from Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin.

4. Legal implications of this liability statement

This liability statement is to be observed as a part of the online content from which this page was referenced. Should sections or individual formulations within this text be incompatible, obsolete or incomplete with respect to the applicable laws, this shall not preclude the relevance of other sections of the document in terms of content and applicability.

These terms are based on free services from