Open door for ideas and complaints

Dear students, teachers, and staff members of the HfM Berlin,

? Would you like to actively shape the HfM?

? Do you have ideas or a proposal for improvement you would like to share?

? Are you unsure where to turn with a specific question?

? Are you dissatisfied with something, do you have a problem, do you need support?

? Have you already turned to a school department with your concern, but received no response up to this point?

? Would you like to praise the HfM for something in particular?

As a member of the School, you are welcome to weigh in with your ideas, criticisms, proposals for improvement, praise, and concerns in the areas of study and teaching, organization and services, thereby contributing to organizational and developmental processes at the HfM.

The Ideas and Complaints Management strives to contribute to the continual improvement of the quality of studies and teaching through a feedback process, and is there to offer assistance in a neutral and supportive fashion.

Needless to add, all information and input is treated strictly confidentially.